Wednesday 26 September 2012

Analyse & Evaluate.

Your Performance Throughout This Task.

Throughout this task i wasn't actually in the filming of the introduction, i was helping film the piece and edit the final piece. i took an active role on the editing, i helped with putting the transitions in. My group as a whole we all worked together, and all took an active role, Lydia was in the actual film and me Kayley and Jess helped edit and film. But we filmed our piece about 4 or 5 times, we could have reduced that by concentrating more on the task. 

Your Use Of Camera Angles And Shots.

As a group we got all the camera angles in our film introduction, we struggled on 180 rule, but we got there in the end. Initially I crossed the line and filmed over the wrong shoulder but when we began to edit it , it was really obvious that we had gone wrong. This was one of the reasons why we filmed the shot again.  i was the one who filmed the 180 rule which is why as a team we had trouble with it, in the end i got the hang of it and it succeeded. Jess and Kayley were really good at filming and editing, i was too but i preferred the editing part of it. i got the hang of editing much faster then i did with the filming part of it, which is why i enjoyed it more. With the editing I could really focus on it and not get distracted, which can tend to happen in group work. I was able to play around with Final Cut and figure things out for myself.

Your Chosen Genre.

The genre we chose is sort of a comedy but in everyday life at a school. we chose this because we thought were in a school and we know how everyone acts in school and how they talk and what they talk about so it would be easier for us to do something were all familiar on. The comedy bits in it are right at the beginning when Lydia opens the locker, the expression on her face makes the whole part funny. Also what they are talking about in the film, is classed as humour. Were sort of taking the mickey out of people at school and their school life.

I think the end piece came together well with a bit of help from all members of the group and i think we did well.

Friday 21 September 2012

Does the media influence society or reflect it?

I think the media influences society, because people read things from the media, such as newspapers & the news and they stir things. The media influences the society because it makes people known for what they did, such as a serial killer is in the paper and people see it and copy what the news paper have said they have done. the media in a way makes un-necessary publicity, they over exaggerate about things which they shouldn't. 
   The media also portray something that isn't true, such as models how people like to copy them because they make them look 'perfect' which isn't true as the media edit the girls/boys until they do look so airbrushed that it doesn't look like them, so teenage girls/boys want to look like that which can be a really bad thing as models are normally stick thin, which girls want to be as they want to look as 'perfect' as the people they see as they think its the look. The media mainly influence teens and young adults because they look up to people in the media such as celebrities and basically famous people.

i think the media should not be in control of what we see and hear as it can cause trouble. And i think they shouldnt be allowed to choose what were allowed to see and what were not and i also dont think they should edit some stories because they do, make it worse.

    The media reflects society because if we and a society didn't do what we did they wouldn't have a story to cover or to exaggerate into things totally different. An example of this would be the riots that happened as it started off with a peaceful protest and the media found out and made things a lot worse and the riots spread by the media's influence, which at first it started out as the media reflecting it but then changed into the media influencing it. the media shouldn't have made things worse and it got u out of control, all because the media.
 All in all i think the media does both, it influences people to do worse things and makes everything worse, as it over exaggerates and people then copy the media, or the people in the media. but the public shouldn't do what they do to give the media the stories in the first place. its mirroring us, so its reflecting us.  the media gives people ideas on what to do, such as copy cats that is because of the media and what it does and says about things, in a what it does, it gives people motivation to do it.

why i chose media

Because i took it at GCSE level and i enjoyed it and it really interested me, so i wanted to do it at A level and learn more. I enjoy analysing films and understand why a certain shot, or non-digectic sound is used.