Tuesday 16 October 2012

Target audience.

the target audience is people from 15-21, both mixed gender, male and female. our film will appeal to people of this age because they are more mature. they can also relate to the film, because there are people in the film, their ages, from 15-21 or in-between and they understand whats going on and how the characters feel in the film and they could relate better ti whats going on in the film. also the language in the film is suitable for this target audience because its how 15-21 year old talk and they would think its normal, because its a norm for them, as thats how they talk. in the opening there will be no swearing or sexual language, but as the film goes on there is or could be, so the film be rated a 15 because of the language and violence content. people who are 15, may need to carry some ID with them to get into it as the content of the film, such as the behaviour and language.

People will relate to the film, because they will know how to react to whats going on because, they could have either been in the situation or are just mature enough to act in the appropriate manor. there could be sex scenes or scenes that just are not suitable for people under the age of 15.

our introduction, will not have any content of rude or sexual language but people might feel awkward with the opening as its a psychological thriller, so straight from the opening people will click on to it and understand it.

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