Tuesday 27 November 2012

The titles that are going to be in our film opening.

i have researched a lot of film opening sequences and have seen what movie titles  you need and which ones come before another. where they should be positioned too and roughly how long they are left up oon the screen for which is about 3-5seconds.

Castin by…

Costume Designer…  


Sound design by…

Music by…


Production Designer…

Director of photography…

Executive Producers…

Produced by…

Screen play by…

Directed by…

 This is the order i found they came in, and every film i watched they had these titles in common, some had different ones but they wasnt as important. these are the titles that need to be added in our film opening.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Filming Sessions.

27th October.

today our location filming went very well, we saw where we was going to film. and the place we are going to film is suitable for our film genre. there wasnt any difficuluties really, so there wasnt nothing to overcome.
here are some of the photo's we took of lydia on all the days we did film.

these are only some of the pictures we had taken through out the filming process.

7th and 16th november.
we did have some difficulties getting some of the pictures using the schools camera and troubled with the filming because the camera we were using died as the battery ran out. so we had to come back and get another camera. after we had another camera we got some successful pictures and filming for the opening film.

Wednesday 21st November.

we filmed the stalker this day and it all went well. we got all the film footage needed of him for the films.

27th November.

We filmed a few extra parts for our film and got some more pictures of lydia for more effect.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Filming schedule.

27th October 2012.

Today we done some location filming and found out some possible places to do our filming for out film opening. Outside of school. Took some film and pictures of Lydia.

29th October 2012.

Today we filmed Lydia, we also took a lot of pictures of her, due to she is involved in our film opening and the stalker in the film has pictures of Lydia all on his wall. We got a lot of successful pictures of her that was suitable.

Wednesday 7th November 2012.

Today we took some more pictures of Lydia with the camera.

Friday 16th November 2012.

Today we done some location filming in the school because the school is part of our film. We also had a look and saw if any place in the school was suitable for our filming the whole opening.

Wednesday 21st November 2012.

Today we are going to film the stalker, with his hood up and looking like a thug. So he looks like a stalker.

Tuesday 27th November 2012.

Filming any extra bits that we need for our film, if its needed.

Then we will do the editing of the film.

Institutions for our film openeing.

we are using paramount because its a company that does alot of horror/thrillers. as well as touch stone. and they are well known and popular companies that people are aware of and when they see the institutions, they will know in some way that its a good film.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Font Idea's.

                    KAYLEY SMITH.        (APPLE CHANCERY)
 this font, i condiered because it gave the effect of the type of film we are doing. it gave you a mysterious feeling and a feeling of not knowing whats going to happen. the font is scary in itself. but i dont think we will use it because i think it will be too difficult to read if the titles are going in and out quite quick.

                  KAYLEY SMITH.      (ARIAL BLACK)

 this font i thought about using but i didnt think it really suit the film, it has negatives and positives, one of the positives are that its a dark and gloomy font, which our film is dark and gloomy, in that aspects it suits our film but the negatives is that it is quite dull and not really appealing.

                    KAYLEY SMITH.            (ARIAL UNICODE MS)
 again this font is very dull and wouldnt really catch the viewers attention for them to read then and pay attention. but this is very easy to read and the audience could easily read them. but their just too dull and plain. its not mysterious or anything and doesnt really sell the film.

        KAYLEY SMITH.          (AYUTHAYA)
i think this font, looks more like maybe a sci-fi film. a more unrealistic film. where as our film is more realistic and things like our film involved could happen in real life. the font could in a way miss-lead the audience by maybe thinking its a sci-fi. it just wouldnt suit the film. 

                      KAYLEY SMITH.        (CENTURY)
this font i was really considering, because its creepy and very easy to read. it was between this font and charemagne. this one gives the viewers the feel that we want to create by making our film. it catches the  audience's eyes and their attention.  

                         KAYLEY SMITH.          (CHAREMAGNE)
this is the font we have choosen to use, because it is easy to read, it would give the audience the feeling we want just like 'century' but this one has the edge to it, it gives it more of a creepy feel and is more suited to the film i think.