Wednesday 21 November 2012

Filming Sessions.

27th October.

today our location filming went very well, we saw where we was going to film. and the place we are going to film is suitable for our film genre. there wasnt any difficuluties really, so there wasnt nothing to overcome.
here are some of the photo's we took of lydia on all the days we did film.

these are only some of the pictures we had taken through out the filming process.

7th and 16th november.
we did have some difficulties getting some of the pictures using the schools camera and troubled with the filming because the camera we were using died as the battery ran out. so we had to come back and get another camera. after we had another camera we got some successful pictures and filming for the opening film.

Wednesday 21st November.

we filmed the stalker this day and it all went well. we got all the film footage needed of him for the films.

27th November.

We filmed a few extra parts for our film and got some more pictures of lydia for more effect.

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