Monday 31 December 2012

Opening sequence #2

We had pretty much put the film together, me and Jess was editing it and putting transitions into the film, we also added a few credits to see how things were looking, and in fact the film looked really good after the transitions and all the editing was done for that part of the film, but unfortunately when we went to save the work we had spent 3 hours on, it wouldn't save. we then had to made a new folder and save it into something totally different, which then one we had saved it, half the work we had done in them 3 hours had all gone, so we had to do it all again, which spent up more time of completing the film.


Our music, it took us a while to figure out how to actually use garage band itself, which is where the music was made. Kayley smith done most of the music and I put my input into what type of music we should have and what would fit in together. we made a first piece of music and it didnt really sound right for the genre of the film, it was more an action/horror. so we tried again, kayley put all the music together and the second piece we did was much better then the first and we decided to stick with the one we had just made. we then put the music onto 'final cut express' to see if it sounded okay on there.

Our opening sequence

at first we was running a little behind task as people didnt show up for the filming and we couldnt get hold of the camera, out filming was mostly outside of school which is why we was not on task. so i decided we could do some of it in school, so we went up to the field which has a woods in which was a perfect location for some of our filming. Lydia, had played the girl getting stalked all the way through, i played some parts of the stalker along side Jack Smith, i only acted as the stalker when we was in school and jack was not able to, i just put my hood up and done the task. we tried different places to film lydia screaming and running away after she had noticed the stalker had been following her.


Seven is the pyschological thriller that i have decided to choose, i have watched it 3 times just to have a look at the opening titles, the non-digectic and digectic sounds in the film. i was looking at the mis-en scene of the film aswell. the lighting was dark most of the film, which gave you a sense of scare and mysterious feeling whilst watching it. the film itself is about two detectives that have to deal with an act of homicide, people die because of the seven deadly sins, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath, envy, pride.
the titles of the film, are not very clear but you can still read them without any problems. the font was a good font to use, as it fits in well with the film genre 'the pyschological thriller', in some ways the titles give you a sense of fear and mystery by watching them which is good for a physchological thriller to have, seeing as it is there to do that so it starts giving you the feelings it wants right at the begginging of the film. and the beggining of the film has non-digectic sounds, that is loud. the film opening itself shows you what is happening and what the films going to be about, but doesnt show you everything, it leaves you on the edge whilst watching it. the films age rating is an 18 which is suitable for the content in this film.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Researching openings of different genres

Today i thought about researching other film openings of other genre's to see what the difference in title set out or how they came was. i researched an animation, horror, comedy and romance, and this is what i found:

Animation - monsters inc.

if you watch this, the film titles in the opening are simple and read able and the font goes with the film itself. also there is music in the institution which is 'walt disney'.

Horror - pirana 3DD.
the mis-en scene of the opening of this film is very good it shows how abandoned the beach is after the first film and shown how much havoc and damage the piranha's have caused. many horror films dont actually have titles at the begining maybe this is because they mgith feel less scared about seeing that they are actually actors and that its not real.

Comedy - bridesmaids.
Again i tried bridesmaids, this means war, american pie, and they didnt have any titles at the begining except the institution which was universal mostly. but again it was hard to hard a sequence with titles at the begining of the film, most films have them at the end credits nowadays i have noticed.

Romance - the holiday.
this is abit of a romcom so a comedy/ romance but more on the romantic side. the holidays institution is universal and columbia pictures. the titles start at the very begining straight after columbia pictures, not many other films did this, they waited a while before they appead on the screen and the titles are very clear. they are on the screen as the film is playing.but when the name of the film appears its very quick but noticable.


The costumes of the characters in our film dont really have a certain dress coade, excpet there normnal clothes which would be considered as casual, but Jack who plays the stalker has to wear a coat or something dark and with a hood so you cant see his identity. and to make sure he looks mysterious and missunderstood. we used a kind of stereotype of a 'thug' with the hoodie and dark clothing. and for lydia (the girl being stalked) was just casual and how she dressed normally because she didnt really need a costume because she was a girl. but i think it would have been better if lydia had worn more 'girly' clothes would have made it clearer to the audience that he was stalking her a girl.

Location of filming

Out filming locations are in a garage for when the stalker (Jack) is doing the voice over and looking at the pictures, this gives it a more creepier effect and make it feel more secretive. we are also got him walking through the garden to the garage in the dark so it looks mysterious and suspicious. also a alley way of the house. we are doing it in the school of the girl (Lydia) and close ups of the school on its own. its a very small location set, because we didnt need as much because its only the film opening so we just wanted to set the scene and give the mysterious effect.

How does the media influence society? If they do.

The media plays a big role influencing society as it it judges the news and people in it, it changes the way people think or how they think. The media lets everyone know whats going on and sometimes, over exagerate things. The views of things could be easily changed by the media, as it twists some peoples words and doesnt tell the whole truth, it only gives the simple side of it. sometimes good, some times bad. the media dont really care who they affend or how harsh they are as long as the story gets out.

Tuesday 11 December 2012


The cast for our opening sequence is a small cast as we didnt need many people only about 3 people, we plan to include actresses and actors that are likely appear in similar films only because not all the actors are starring in the beggining of the film. Lydia has played the girl being stalked and i has played some part of the stalker, but other parts she couldnt be involved in, so we used Jack Smith, Kayley's boyfriend. It all worked well and everyone worked well together, Kayley filmed and Jess edited the footage we filmed.