Wednesday 12 December 2012


The costumes of the characters in our film dont really have a certain dress coade, excpet there normnal clothes which would be considered as casual, but Jack who plays the stalker has to wear a coat or something dark and with a hood so you cant see his identity. and to make sure he looks mysterious and missunderstood. we used a kind of stereotype of a 'thug' with the hoodie and dark clothing. and for lydia (the girl being stalked) was just casual and how she dressed normally because she didnt really need a costume because she was a girl. but i think it would have been better if lydia had worn more 'girly' clothes would have made it clearer to the audience that he was stalking her a girl.

1 comment:

  1. Well done for evaluating here. Make sure you raise any changes that you want to make with the group then you can discuss them fully. Also film and upload these discussions. Why does the girl need to look 'girly'?
    Mrs H
