Monday 31 December 2012

Opening sequence #2

We had pretty much put the film together, me and Jess was editing it and putting transitions into the film, we also added a few credits to see how things were looking, and in fact the film looked really good after the transitions and all the editing was done for that part of the film, but unfortunately when we went to save the work we had spent 3 hours on, it wouldn't save. we then had to made a new folder and save it into something totally different, which then one we had saved it, half the work we had done in them 3 hours had all gone, so we had to do it all again, which spent up more time of completing the film.

1 comment:

  1. This isn't relevant to your discussion of your film.

    1. What shots did you choose and why?
    2. What transitions did you choose and why?
    3. Did your choices create the right effects for your chosen genre of film?
    4. How did the titles work and what would you change about them?

    Answer these questions in detail and that will add to your evaluation in your blog.
    Mrs H
