Wednesday 12 December 2012

Researching openings of different genres

Today i thought about researching other film openings of other genre's to see what the difference in title set out or how they came was. i researched an animation, horror, comedy and romance, and this is what i found:

Animation - monsters inc.

if you watch this, the film titles in the opening are simple and read able and the font goes with the film itself. also there is music in the institution which is 'walt disney'.

Horror - pirana 3DD.
the mis-en scene of the opening of this film is very good it shows how abandoned the beach is after the first film and shown how much havoc and damage the piranha's have caused. many horror films dont actually have titles at the begining maybe this is because they mgith feel less scared about seeing that they are actually actors and that its not real.

Comedy - bridesmaids.
Again i tried bridesmaids, this means war, american pie, and they didnt have any titles at the begining except the institution which was universal mostly. but again it was hard to hard a sequence with titles at the begining of the film, most films have them at the end credits nowadays i have noticed.

Romance - the holiday.
this is abit of a romcom so a comedy/ romance but more on the romantic side. the holidays institution is universal and columbia pictures. the titles start at the very begining straight after columbia pictures, not many other films did this, they waited a while before they appead on the screen and the titles are very clear. they are on the screen as the film is playing.but when the name of the film appears its very quick but noticable.

1 comment:

  1. You can always say that you are flouting conventions if you wish to challenge them and conform to the accepted style of doing titles. Always analyse and evaluate what you've seen.
    Mrs H
