Monday 31 December 2012


Seven is the pyschological thriller that i have decided to choose, i have watched it 3 times just to have a look at the opening titles, the non-digectic and digectic sounds in the film. i was looking at the mis-en scene of the film aswell. the lighting was dark most of the film, which gave you a sense of scare and mysterious feeling whilst watching it. the film itself is about two detectives that have to deal with an act of homicide, people die because of the seven deadly sins, gluttony, greed, lust, wrath, envy, pride.
the titles of the film, are not very clear but you can still read them without any problems. the font was a good font to use, as it fits in well with the film genre 'the pyschological thriller', in some ways the titles give you a sense of fear and mystery by watching them which is good for a physchological thriller to have, seeing as it is there to do that so it starts giving you the feelings it wants right at the begginging of the film. and the beggining of the film has non-digectic sounds, that is loud. the film opening itself shows you what is happening and what the films going to be about, but doesnt show you everything, it leaves you on the edge whilst watching it. the films age rating is an 18 which is suitable for the content in this film.

1 comment:

  1. Give some idea of WHY you think the fonts work, Yasmin. This moves it on the evaluation not just description.
    Mrs H
