Wednesday 16 January 2013

how did you attract your audience?

I attracted our audience by having people of their age staring in the opening  sequence, we though this would attract them because they feel similar to them in some ways, such as they could put themselves into the film and think of it is was them it was happening to.

Also we asked a few people around the age of 16-18 and 20-21 about what genre of films they liked, most of the 16-18 year old, said horror and thriller and the 20-21 year old mostly said drama and thriller, so we went with the thriller because more people liked it.

After we had finished our film opening sequence, we put it on youtube and we put it on our social networking sites such as, twitter and facebook. we did this so that we could get feedback from our target audience, family and friends of that age range. our feedback comments were very positive, most of them said about the filming being up to scratch and that they liked the non-digectic and the digectic sounds, such as when Jack (the stalker) was drawing a line, you heard the cracking of the charcoal when it had broken.

we told our friends and family about what we were doing and the idea of the film we had in mind and we asked who would watch it, my mum said it wouldn't as interest her as much, but she would still watch it. my grandad wasn't to keen on watching it but my 20 year old brother, my 15 year old brother and a few friends at school who are 17 said that they are keen to watch it and it would catch their attention.

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