Wednesday 16 January 2013

how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media film is targeted at around 15-21year old people. this is mainly because, we are all around the middle of them ages, and it is a suitable film from 15+ people to watch, the language and filming in it, fits to the 15+.  we have represented the social group we have chosen, by making the girl getting stalked young at an age of about 16, this is partly because then the audience can get involved with the plot of the film.

We also made this a 15+ because 15-21 year old, would be able to acknowledge whats going on and understand everything that is happening, whereas someone younger then that would struggle, they would also not grasp the story of the film and wouldn't benefit it as much as a person of 19 for instance.

By looking at these parts of the film, you can see Lydia is a young girl, and it gives the message out that she is vulnerable because this man is after her, young girls of this age can easily relate to Lydia's position and will fear of it happening to them, this will give them fear and suspense for them to watch the rest of the film. the stalker, not that you see in the first 2 minutes of the opening sequence is also a boy ideally in his 20's stalking the girl, so the boys can relate, they get sucked in by the film by relating it to them selves, and throughout the opening sequence they are put in suspense.

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