Wednesday 16 January 2013

What kind of media institutions might distribute your media product and why?

The media institutions that possibly could distrube our media film, could be paramount pictures, because they do a range of genre of films, such as comedy's, drama's and thrillers. for our film we had put paramount pictures as the institution to our film, because i knew what other sort of films they released, such as the devil inside, which is a triller.

Also i think columbia pictures would distribute our film, as they are basically the same as paramount just a totally different complay, but they distribute the same genres of film that paramoun does, except columbia does alot more comedy films then paramount, such as 'are we done yet?' which is a film that columbia produced. a thriller that they have produced for example would be 'the grudge' this is a thriller, it keeps you in suspense.

so either paramount or columbia could distribute my film,  whereas as distributer such as 20th century fox would distribute more of comedy and drama's and more childish films,.

dimension films could maybe distribute our film as they do a mixture of all genre's really, except romance, the research i did, showed me that they don't do any if many romance films.

From my earlier post about my research on paramount, i stated some films that paramount have distributed, from the early 1900's untill now. on the lines of them films, i think paramount would be the main company that would distribute my film.

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