Monday 14 January 2013

Story board #refilming

we had the story board drawn up, which Kayley drew. which i then filmed, in order of how the film we pictured in our heads would be. but the first time i filmed i was a little shaky and i couldn't quite get the hang of it, i tried 3 times.on my third time, i managed to get the zoom and the extreme close-up, without shaking. which turned out fine, so we kept that piece of film. the extreme close-up was much easier to film, rather than the wide shot, because on the piece of paper, i kept getting the table that the piece of paper was on in the background because i was concentrating too much on the camera, then looking when to stop the wide shot.

We had a lot of difficulty uploading the story board film to our blogs, so haven't quite done that yet, due to a technical difficulty.

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