Wednesday 16 January 2013

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our film is on the lines of a conventional thriller film, such as how it starts and the transitions of a real film, are similar for example the paramount pictures at the begining of the film, just like the 'butterfly effect'. it has similar conventions to a real film done, such as the film titles we have the titles in the same chronicle order as normal thrillers, such as the girl with the dragon tattoo. - this is the opening sequence to 'the girl with the dragon tattoo'.

i watched this before i started making the film, and gave some feedback to the group and we all looked at different opening sequence's of films and gave feedback, and most of our feedback said the same, about how the titles came through, how long they stay on the screen for and how big the font size is roughly. i researched how long the credit titles were on the screen for, and they were around about 3 seconds long.

Here are some screen shots of our titles. i reasearched some triller films and the titles at the beginning of the film are behind a black or dull/white  screen which is why we have.

Normal thriller films get you on an edge of your seat feel, so on our film, we tried to do that as much as we can we used all the technology and props we were given for our film. we made Jack (the stalker) wear gloves so that everything looked real, because in my mind if the person didnt wear gloves in a real thriller film, the mis-en scene wouldnt really fit into together, so we have him gloves to cover up his DNA, his finger prints, the gloves also show that he is about to do something bad and wanted to cover his steps up so he didnt get caught. the mis-en scene in the garage, fitted in with the coventions of a real film because alot of real things start off with them in a confined space, doing something, that shows you what the films is going to be, shows it will be a thrilling film.

 in this picture, it gives the audience a sense of fear and suspense, they will think 'what is he doing with the sledge hammer?' thats the feel we want the audience to have.
It is the same with this part of the video. they will think to themselves, 'why is he writting this?' or whats going to happen to the girl.

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